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Феликс Рёсел (Институт ifo, Дрезден) представит работу “Forced migration, staying minorities, and new societies: Evidence fr om ethnic cleansing in Czechoslovakia” (совместное исследование с Якубом Гроссманом и Штепаном Юрайдой).
Регистрация на семинар: до 12:00 1 июня, ссылка на видео-конференцию будет разослана до 17:00.
Краткое содержание:
Can staying minorities that escape ethnic cleansing affect the identity of their re-settled communities? After World War Two, three million ethnic Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. Some Germans were allowed to stay, many of them left-leaning anti-fascists. We study quasi-experimental local variation in the number of anti-fascist Germans staying in post-war Czechoslovakia and find a long-lasting footprint: Communist party support, party cell frequencies, far-left values, and social policies are stronger today wh ere anti-fascist Germans stayed in larger numbers. Our findings also suggest that political identity supplanted German ethnic identity among stayers facing new local majorities.