Together with the Institute of Emerging Market Studies (IEMS), China-Russia Eurasian Studies Center (CREC) is organizing the Eurasia Business Dialogue to discuss how contemporary policy and socioeconomic issues affect the business landscapes of China, Russia and Central Asia.
The first of these dialogues will be held on Thursday, 20 January 2022 on the subject “Curbing capitalism: How is economic policymaking in China changing?”
Party-State Capitalism in China
Prof Kellee TSAI
Dean, School of Humanities and Social Science and Chair Professor of Social Science, HKUST
Outlook for China’s Economy and the Common Prosperity Agenda
Prof Albert PARK
Head and Chair Professor of Economics, Chair Professor of Social Science, and Professor of Public Policy, HKUST (on leave)
China’s regulation of big tech: Implications for innovation and entrepreneurship
Prof Xun WU
Professor of Public Policy
Co-Director, China, Russia and Eurasia Studies Centre, HKUST
Comparative perspectives on China and Russia’s regulation of digital ecosystems
Rector of the New Economics School
Prof Donald Low
Director, Institute for Emerging Market Studies, HKUST